Show installed packages - Ubuntu

The command we need to use is dpkg –get-selections, which will give us a list of all the currently installed packages.
$ dpkg --get-selections
adduser                                         install
alsa-base                                       install
alsa-utils                                      install
apache2                                         install
apache2-mpm-prefork                             install
apache2-utils                                   install
apache2.2-common                                install
apt                                             install
apt-utils                                       install
The full list can be long and unwieldy, so it’s much easier to filter through grep to get results for the exact package you need. For instance, I wanted to see which php packages I had already installed through apt-get:
dpkg --get-selections | grep php
libapache2-mod-php5                             install
php-db                                          install
php-pear                                        install
php-sqlite3                                     install
php5                                            install
php5-cli                                        install
php5-common                                     install
php5-gd                                         install
php5-memcache                                   install
php5-mysql                                      install
php5-sqlite                                     install
php5-sqlite3                                    install
php5-xsl                                        install
For extra credit, you can find the locations of the files within a package from the list by using the dpkg -L command, such as:
dpkg -L php5-gd


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